all postcodes in PL2 / PLYMOUTH

find any address or company within the PL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL2 3AE 1 50.386074 -4.162234
PL2 3AA 12 9 50.385898 -4.158174
PL2 3AF 47 3 50.385661 -4.165563
PL2 3AG 45 0 50.385771 -4.159195
PL2 3AH 15 0 50.384269 -4.162588
PL2 3AJ 30 0 50.38354 -4.164032
PL2 3AL 28 0 50.383366 -4.1637
PL2 3AN 25 0 50.383903 -4.164329
PL2 3AP 43 0 50.385178 -4.162052
PL2 3AQ 60 0 50.384777 -4.160866
PL2 3AR 38 0 50.38598 -4.159528
PL2 3AS 3 0 50.385833 -4.160661
PL2 3AT 34 0 50.385171 -4.164359
PL2 3AU 14 0 50.384622 -4.163884
PL2 3AW 44 0 50.384985 -4.161804
PL2 3AX 66 0 50.385407 -4.16233
PL2 3AY 36 1 50.384495 -4.165862
PL2 3AZ 34 0 50.384638 -4.16546
PL2 3BA 33 0 50.384727 -4.165028
PL2 3BB 32 0 50.384869 -4.164627